AARON RICHMOND | Doctors of L'Esprit nouveau, 1920-1925
The medicalization of art and architecture within the French periodical L’Esprit nouveau (1920–1925).


Composer / Interdisciplinary Artist
Creating collaborative transdisciplinary works in the classical music tradition.


CLAIRE VIONNET | Dancing Intimacies
An Anthropology in Feeling, Moving and Touching


MALTE LEANDER | Acoustic ecology and sustainable futures
Malte is exploring natural and urban spaces, creating with their inherent soundscapes and examining sustainable futures through non-anthropocentric sensing.


Halo, 2017
PHILIPPE BATTIKHA | Music, composition and community organizing
Following in a tradition of sound-artists and composers such as Max Neuhaus and R. Murray Schafer, my work centers around the belief that in a visually driven society we must pay closer attention to aural environments.

ADRIANA MINU | Erratic and erotic voice
Leaning into her ADHD’s body bio-rhythm activated through voice, Adriana has reclaimed attentional drifts, digressions, tangents, stimming, both hyper focusing in and 'zoning out' as valuable creative forms. Liberated from the need for coherence, motivated instead by sensory precision determined through pleasure, Adriana creates radical works that challenge audiences and performers to inhabit modes of being that are attentionally diverse and sensorially engaged.


Feminist Art Gallery
CHRISTOPHER WILLES | Interdisciplinary performance and collective practice
Performance, Music / Sound, Dance Dramaturgy, Critical Pedagogies, Collective Strategies


HUBERT GENDRON-BLAIS | Résonances manifestes: Music, affects & politics
A sound study on how ambient sounds can participate to the consistence of the affective communities, and how some music processes can orient the experimentation of new ways to gather in the event.


MARIANA MARCASSA | Between Muteness and the World
Through voice and sound–as performance, as aesthetic proposition and clinical intervention– Mariana has been asking, in practice and theory, how an engagement with sound as vibration and voice-without-language might facilitate new modes of experience, and with these, new techniques for living.


Morgane Clément-Gagnon
PIERRE-MARC OUELLETTE | Corps dialectiques: une esthétique de l'ambivalence
The idea of a Dialectical body is thought through the encounter of a personal ambivalence towards the act of creation. A collaboration with visual artist Manon De Pauw and dancer Nikita Peruzzini.


Focused especially on the role of sound in everyday experience, drawing on methods of urban studies and acoustic ecology.


An Autotheory/Autoethnography of Multiple Somatic Dimensions Experienced in Eco-Performance: Reactivating Somatic Connection to the Land.


Bailey Eng
LUCY FANDEL | The windy days
Writing and moving errance, inside and outside: an embodied response to the shifting conditions of a living scenography. The project seeks to make dance by composing with affect and placehood.


1001 Lights
PHILIP SZPORER | Visual Perception and Experiential Engagement
Perception, embodiment, corporeality, movement, fil, video, new media, performance, immersive, affect, expression, cross-cultural, communication, inter-reflectivity.


Clement Guegen
TATIANA KOROLEVA | (Un)Disciplined Bodies: Psychology of Transformation in Performance Art
Ritualistic performance art, sacred art, socially-engaged art practices, immigration and displacement, ancestral memory and family histories