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Events Calendar



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Last Wednesday of the month - 2025

LePARC Tea-time - Once per month!

Monthly tea-time hangout at LePARC Commons. We’ll be chatting, chilling, sipping on tea and munching on some snacks. We’d love for you to join us - come hear what LePARC is up to, and share with us what you have in store currently!

Photo by Kristina Hilliard

EV 10.765



Anytime the Performance Lab is free!

Community events and initiatives

If you as a LePARC member want to lead a research group, conduct an evening of improv, or share a workshop with the community - this is highly encouraged! Please reach out to the LePARC coordinator - we'll be happy to help out and spread the word!

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May 15th & 16th 2024

“Meeting through…” a research-creation project

an ongoing research-creation project by Lília Mestre (PCYIA grant) that employs choreographic tools to instigate new passageways of socio-political and environmental awareness.

Visit Lília’s website to learn more!

EV 10.785


March 21, 2024

Artist Talk: Esteban Donoso

During these two hours, we will do a reading/screening by Esteban Donoso and Gerard Reyes and hold an informal conversation with the attendants around the process of Mand/inga, archival excavation, and the meeting of research and performance.

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Fri. March 1, 2024

Workshop: Deep Democracy - the Soft Shoe Shuffle

Are you curious about new tools to support participatory and embodied forms decision making? Drawing from the body of work called Deep Democracy, interested members of Le PARC are invited to a workshop involving the Soft Shoe Shuffle!

EV 10.785


January 29, 2024

LePARC Critique Lab

An opportunity for LePARC members to share their research with one another and other attendees through a Pecha Kucha style presentation followed by feedback and questions among participants.

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December 5, 2023

LePARC Lunch: Embodied Interventions Daydream Ed.

This student-led structure is intended to support you via artistic encounters, collective critiques and the collaborative production. Each edition looks a little different. Come learn and imagine 2024!

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November 7, 2023

LePARC Lunch: Member Idea Discussion

We want to listen to your uses and needs in connection with LePARC and our spaces. All are welcome! 

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April 27 & 28 2023

Movement and Dance Workshop

You are invited to explore how watching the 'The Spectre Animates our Bones' animation translates into your own body, its movements and its physical states. Participants of all levels are welcome to one or both days..

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April 24 2023

Tour & Discussion: The Spectre Animates our Bones

Emilie Morin (in person) and Ryan Clayton (streaming live from Winnipeg!) invite you on a gallery tour and informal discussion of their process and interests in creating The Spectre Animates our Bones.

EV 10.785


March 23 & 24, 2023, 1-4pm

VHS Project Open Studio with Juan Miceli

80 VHS cassettes that VCR Concordia gave Juan are the basis of a temporary collective video installation. Come open those cassettes, share personal archives, discuss how vision machines mold us & find antidotes together. 

EV 10.785
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March 6, 2023, 6-8:30pm

Silly Sexy Awkward Dance Party #3 with Tornado Trish

Cheesy aerobics meets dance music, mood lighting, and optional biodegradable glitter all to help you get into your best wiggly, giggly, lunging and prancing self. All are welcome!

EV 10.785


February 7, 4-5:30pm

How to stay a human when you dance with a machine
Milieux Resource Room (EV 11.705)

Interactive digital artist and artist-in-residence at LePARC Tim Murray-Browne shares his work unsupervised AI, dance and belonging.



December 2 2022, 1-2pm

there is space to fall

‘there is space to…’ is a new series for performative encounters initiated by Adriana Minu. Practitioners from all disciplines are invited to improvise together under permeable frameworks.

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November 29 12-14h

LePARC Lunch #3

A gathering moment to celebrate your arrival or return, share ideas, questions and what we are up to. Bring your lunch, come when you can and stay as long as you like.

EV 10.765
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January 30, 2023, 2-3pm

A Walk in LePARC with Adriana Minu

Adriana has been reclaiming her body from deep enrapturing tensions, learning what qualities can be nurtured in spaces that welcome alterity. Expect an experimental format: vocal solutions, digressions and improvisations.



May 7 + 8, 2022

Embodied Intervention 2022

An interdisciplinary student-run showcase of experimentation, collaboration & performance-based works.



Mar 16 - Apr 16, 2022, 10-13h

Body Archeology with Tatiana Koroleva

Ancestral Memory in the Context of (Im)migration: a biweekly (Wed & Sat) workshop series and performance creation exploring genetic memory.

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Feb 9, 2022 - 13-15h

The ABCs of Dramaturgical Ecologies #2

A conversation between Stéphane Martelly (University of Waterloo, CA) and 'Funmi Adewole (De Montford University, UK).

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November 4, 2021 - 14h-15h

De-\Re-coding International Law Through Art

Oonagh Fitzgerald shares approaches and art that instigate new codes of values seeking to overcome the multiple crises of the Anthropocene.

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April 20, 2021, 12-14h

LePARC Lunch with Max Hunter & Christine Bellerose

For this gathering artist-researchers join an informal conversation with LePARC, sharing their projects, practices and questions.

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March 23, 2021, 12-14h

LePARC Lunch with Undergraduate Fellows

Undergraduate Fellows Elena Stoodley and Quinlan Green share their practices, in this informal discussion with the artist-researchers of LePARC.

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Ben Sheer

January 22, 2021, 11-13h

A Walk in LePARC w/ Bar Altaras, 11-13h

A performance screening and Q&A with Irsael-based dance artist Bar Altaras about her new work, Roots of One Body, Open to all!

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November 21-22, 2020

Expanded Workshops:
Alys Longley & lo bil

Embodied explorations and virtual space with Alys Longley (Auckland, NZ) and lo bil (Toronto), and with the Centre de création O Vertigo.

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May 4th & 5th 2024

Embodied Interventions - 5th Ed. - Tentacular Inquiry

This year's annual performance showcase invited artists from across clusters working in performance to come into dialogue and share their work with the public!

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March 18, 2024

The Killing Movie + Another Goodbye to Juan Miceli

You are invited to The Killing Movie which is a screening, a performance and another farewell. You can either drop-in for a few minutes or stay for hours. Juan encourages you to consider the scope of research-creation as movement.

Image credits: Martin Cedres

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February 27, 2024

Workshop: Mime as Non-Verbal Communication

From basic physical techniques to emotional expression, we'll play with body awareness, self-expression and clown communication with Sue Proctor. We explore non-verbal relationships and performance.

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January 16, 2024

Workshop: Mime as Non-Verbal Communication

Play with body awareness, self-expression and clown communication with Sue Proctor. Through fun, laughter, movement and sound, all are welcome to explore a vocabulary for non-verbal relationships and performance.

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November 24, 27, 29, 2023

Residency Visit: Sara Hanley

As part of her residency in the Performance Lab this November, dance artist and Art Ed. master’s Sara Hanley is inviting people to visit her in the studio for select time periods and come into dialogue with her project.

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October 3, 2023

LePARC Lunch: Introductions!

This is a great place to meet new collaborators, suggest activities and munch on your lunch in good company. Come and go as you please, and bring your lunch!

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April 29 & 30 2023

Embodied Interventions Performances

Public Performances! A student-driven and student-designed performance showcase bringing together artists, researchers and collaborators across disciplines. 

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April 11, 2023

A Walk in LePARC with Margo Zālīte

Join us for our last Walk in LePARC of the semester with visiting artist Margo Zālīte! Following a residency at LePARC, she will share her current process and work through informal discussion.

EV 10.785
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March 8, 2023, 4:30-6:30pm

Nothing with Victoria

What happens in the space/time that fills this “gap”? Is this another opportunity for/adventure in another kind of “doing nothing”? 

EV 10.785


February 23, 5-7pm

there is space to flow

‘there is space to…’ is a series for performative encounters initiated by Adriana Minu. Practitioners from all disciplines are invited to improvise together under permeable frameworks.

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February 6, 2023, 6-8pm

Silly Sexy Awkward Dance Party #2 with Tornado Trish

Cheesy aerobics meets dance music, mood lighting, and optional biodegradable glitter all to help you get into your best wiggly, giggly, lunging and prancing self. All are welcome!



January 20, 2023, 2-3:30pm

A Walk in LePRC with Bek Berger

Berger is an Australian curator, artist and creative producer based in Riga, Latvia. Join us to talk about interdisciplinary concerns in creative process and professional practices!

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November 22, 2023, 12-2pm

Silly Sexy Awkward Dance Party

Get your boogie on with

Tornado Trish and potential guest appearance of MC Diamond Don for the first of many Silly Sexy Awkward Dance Parties. All are welcome.

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October 25, 12-14h

LePARC Lunch #2

A gathering moment to celebrate your arrival or return, share ideas, questions and what we are up to. Bring your lunch, come when you can and stay as long as you like.

EV 10.765
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April 11 2022, 17h30-19h45


Finding ways to be together in our not knowing: holding space for one another individually and collectively without having to use language to describe what we’re working on.

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Feb 16, 2022 - 12-13h

EI 2022:  Let's bodystorm some interventions!

Learn about EI 2022 in connection with Milieux's year-end showcase, propose ideas and brainstorm together about what it could look like.



December 14, 2021 - 15h-18h

Returning to the Trees—the Technological Burnout Crisis 

A RISE event and proposition in Sheena Bernett's Ph.D. thesis: Composing with the Event-Techniques that Move Toward Neurodiverse Perception/Sensation.



November 2, 2021 12h30

LePARC Lunch with Sara Hanley

Sara Hanley joins other members in an informal online conversation with LePARC, sharing her projects, practices and questions.



April 15, 18h30

CLOrk: Opera in LePARC

Juanita Marchand Knight's networked mini opera "Mixed Messages, No Pants": an improvisatopera about pandemic job loss, artificial intelligence, and pyjama bottoms.

Portrait of Deanna Bowen and Kara Keeling


March 16, 2021, 16-17h30

Streams of Resistance: Black Bodies in Space-Time

A conversation with artist scholars Deanna Bowen (CA) and Kara Keeling (US) to articulate the (de)construction of narratives around blackness.

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Olivia McGilchrist

December 11, 2020

RISE Critical reflection #1

A public discussion around RISE: a LePARC-based research-creation project investigating cataclysmic scenarios in 10 mini-operas.

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April 12th, 2024

Conversation: André Lepecki & Lília Mestre

This event is a conversation. We have limited attendance for student members of LePARC. The conversation will focus on the relationships between performance practice & academic research. We will collectively discuss how forms of doing in performance create alt. versions of academic processes.

Spec. Life


March 7, 2024

Artist Talk: Dermatographies with André Bocchetti

Come explore and discuss bodying-writing composition plans with André. He is an Academic Visitor at Concordia, from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro where he is one of the professors responsible for a series of courses titled “Writing that Dance”.

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February 22, 2024

Artist Talk: Inverse Interface with Juan Miceli

Learn about Juan's experience following six months as a research intern at Milieux last year in this performance lecture. He'll share what came out of his research-creation process like artecnic, apology of the remaining, inverse interface and black milk.

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December 7, 2023

Artist Talk: Lília Mestre & Laura Pante

Join us to learn about the work of performance artist, researcher and LePARC co-director Lília Mestre, and dancer and visiting researcher Laura Pante as they present their research side by side.



November 28, 2023

Angles of Consequence Lab Report

The Angles of Consequence research team, Keith Fernandez, Christine White and Carolie Delisle with PI Meghan Moe Beitiks will share what they have exploring to since September! All are welcome.

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Sept 28 & 29, 2023

FLOW Symposium Watch Party

Projecting the Live On the Streets Performance Festival in the Performance Lab EV 10.785. There'll be popcorn!

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May 2, 2023

Workshop: Using Blender to Create Virtual Sets

Interested in 3D modeling to create virtual sets? Join Ryan Clayton for an introductory online workshop. Participants will be introduced to Blender, a free and open source 3D modelling and rendering software.



March 23, 2023, 12-5pm

Ar Ais Arís (Back Again): A Virtual Reality Experience

Experience a 16-minute Virtual Reality performance at LePARC! Based on some of the finest contemporary writing in the Irish language, Ar Ais Arís combines literature and visual poetry in a Virtual Reality experience.

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March 7, 2023, 12-2pm

LeP Lunch: Undergraduate Fellows & EI Info!

Heather Anderson and Mike Zajner will share their work and Embodied Interventions coordinators will be there to answer your questions. Bring your lunch, come when you can and stay as long as you like.

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Feb. 8, 2023, 4:30-6:30pm

Nothing with Victoria

What happens in the space/time that fills this “gap”? Is this another opportunity for/adventure in another kind of “doing nothing”?



February 7, 12-2pm

LeP Lunch & Bodystorm: Embodied Interventions 2023

EI is student-driven and designed. Come learn more and exchange ideas and desires for this spring's edition. Join us in EV 10.765.

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December 2 2022, 1-2pm

First Performance Jam!
Video Production Studio: EV 10.760

Do you dance, perform, make music, sound, plays, costumes, scenography, experiments? You are invited to meet in the space through improvisation. All disciplines are welcome.

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Oct 5, Nov 2, Dec 7 2022, Jan 11 2023

Nothing with Victoria

What happens in the space/time that fills this “gap”? Is this another opportunity for/adventure in another kind of “doing nothing”? 

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September 27, 12-14h

LePARC Lunch #1 - Welcome!

A gathering moment to celebrate your arrival or return, share ideas, questions and what we are up to. Bring your lunch, come when you can and stay as long as you like.

EV 10.765
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April 7 2022, 14-16h

The ABCs of Dramaturgical Ecologies #3

In conversation with Daniel McNeil (Queen's University, CA) and SERAFINE1369 (London, UK), on friction and opacity.

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Feb 23, 2022 - 10-12h & 13-17h

A Walk in LePARC:  Performance and AI

A discussion with Frederik de Bleser about performance and AI, and the LAbO Summer School. Performers are invited to activate an AI Dancer!



Nov 29- Dec 3, 2022 - 13h-18h

Decoding & Reimagining Post-human Identity

A mixed media art exhibition and social engagement, by Oonagh E. Fitzgerald from November 29 to December 3, with Friday finissage.



May 1 & 2, 2021 - 13h-16h

Workshops with the CCOV: Amanda Piña + Wynn Holmes

2nd Edition of our expanded, embodied and virtual workshops, in collaboration with the Centre de Création O Vertigo.

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March 30, 12-14h

LePARC Lunch with April White & Dorian Bell

For this gathering April and Dorian join an informal conversation with LePARC, sharing their projects, practices and questions.

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January 26, 2021, 12-14h

LePARC Lunch with Dramaturgical Ecologies

For this gathering the artist-researchers of Angelique's project, Dramaturgical Ecologies join an informal conversation with LePARC.

Part of a person looking at a computer on the floor of a studio, during lo bil's workshop on fall 2020

Antoine Giroux

December 18, 2020

Human-human with lo bil

For our last gathering before the break: a playful experiment in shared presence and performance with lo bil, extending our CCOV collaboration.

Walks in LePARC 

LePARC hosts researchers and artists to give workshops, performances, presentations, and other forms of shared inquiry, open to all members and the public.

Winter 2020

Public Recordings

January 10 2020, 13h-15h

Milieux Resource Room EV.11.705


Skeleton Conductor with Hanna Pajala-Assefa VR Workshop/Experience

February 10-22, 2020

Misha Penton: Voice and Performance Devising


March 10-12, 2020, 14h-16h

matrabox, EV 4.502

Walks in LePARC 

LePARC hosts researchers and artists to give workshops, performances, presentations, and other forms of shared inquiry, open to all members and the public.

Winter 2020

Public Recordings

January 10 2020, 13h-15h

Milieux Resource Room EV.11.705


Skeleton Conductor with Hanna Pajala-Assefa VR Workshop/Experience

February 10-22, 2020

Misha Penton: Voice and Performance Devising


March 10-12, 2020, 14h-16h

matrabox, EV 4.502


Embodied Interventions is a week-long performative platform for the research-creation projects of LePARC’s student membership that culminates in a weekend of presentations, performances, discussions, workshops. 

Spring 2020

Creation: May 4th – 8th, 2020 - REORIENTED

Presentation: May 9th – 10th 2020 (2-7pm) - CANCELLED


Embodied Interventions is a week-long performative platform for the research-creation projects of LePARC’s student membership that culminates in a weekend of presentations, performances, discussions, workshops. 

Spring 2020

Creation: May 4th – 8th, 2020 - REORIENTED

Presentation: May 9th – 10th 2020 (2-7pm) - CANCELLED


A laboratory for young creators, by Antwerp based-production platform for new music and interdisciplinary arts within the deSingel's International Summer School, for interaction between the various arts disciplines: dance, music, fine arts and others.

Summer 2020

August 24th-30th 2020



A laboratory for young creators, by Antwerp based-production platform for new music and interdisciplinary arts within the deSingel's International Summer School, for interaction between the various arts disciplines: dance, music, fine arts and others.

Summer 2020

August 24th-30th 2020





Cluster Coordinator

Malte Leander

LePARC Commons

EV.10 765


Performance Lab

EV.10 785

1515 St. Catherine W​

EV building, 10th floor


Meghan Moe Beitiks

Lília Mestre

VK Preston

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