Performance Lab
The Performance Lab and LePARC Commons can be used by active members on a first come first serve or shared basis when there is no reservation, or booked in advance by writing to leparc.milieux@gmail.com.
You must have an activated access card to get into the spaces, but anyone is welcome during weekly open studio hours.
The Performance Lab can be booked by LePARC active members who have functioning access cards. If you have a card and want to reserve space:
Check if your access card is functional by trying it on the door (EV 10.785). If not, write to me with your key card number (this is not the same card as your Concordia ID) and kindly be patient, it's a bit of a process to get them activated.
Check availability in the calendar below. By default, all reservations are for the Performance Lab: reservations of the Commons space are indicated as such (sometimes with a "C").
Show up to open slots first come first serve, or write to the coordinator at least a week in advance to book the space.
Note: Priority is given to embodied or performance-related research given the lack of such spaces at the university, especially for graduate students, post-docs and artists-in-residence. Non-performance-related activities are often welcome, but the space cannot be reserved for these more than a month in advance.

Please use this form to make sure we are all taking care of the lab (as well as sharing a little about your research!)
Please leave this shared little haven a little better than you found it (we have no designated care-giver).
No shoes on the dance flooring, unless you mop afterwards. Some people's practices involve rolling their faces on the ground ;)
Feel free use furniture, books and materials as you like with the exception of the left most column reserved for artists-in-residence with LePARC, just put things back where you found them.
Be extra nice to the plants.
Communicate with the cluster coordinator before storing items in the space, or it could be thrown away