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Embodied Interventions

2023 Program

This 2-day performative showcase by the Performing Arts Research Cluster’s student membership is the culmination of two lively weeks of collaborative research-creation laboratories in which ideas and bodies converged. Join us to discover what form the projects have taken, learn about the artists and experience these embodied interventions!

WHERE: Concordia University, Engineering, Computer Science and Visual Arts Integrated Complex
1515 St. Catherine W.

Note: Use the Mackay Street entrance and take the elevators to the 10th floor to get to the hub of our activities both days at the Residency Room EV 10.765.

Saturday, April 29
3-6 pm

Opening Statements

3pm, Residency Room EV 10.785


Performance: The Paper Crane

3:15pm, Video Production Studio EV 10.760


Talk: Socially Engaged Clowning

3:45pm, Video Production Studio EV 10.760


Performance: Simple Actions to Inspire and Rupture Spaces 

4:20pm, Ambulatory


Performance: Gee Gee Gee, Deodorant, and Say Yes When You Get Married

4:40pm, Black Box EV OS3-845


Presentation: Le spectre anime nos os

5:20pm, Black Box EV OS3-845


Closing - Discussion & Snacks

6pm, Residency Room EV 10.785

Sunday, April 30
2-5 pm

Opening Statements

2pm, Residency Room EV 10.785


Installation-performance: Mechanic Narratives

2:20pm, Video Production Studio EV 10.760


Installation-performance: Leche Negra

3pm, Black Box EV OS3-845


Performance: Babushka’s Lexicon of Gestures & Sounds

3:40pm, Black Box EV OS3-845


Discussion & Snacks

4pm, Residency Room EV 10.785


Performance: Competitive Karaoke Game Show

4:30pm, Black Box EV OS3-845


The Paper Crane

Agnes the clown takes you into the world of magical transformation where nothing is what it seems, but everything is possible.


Artists: Sue Proctor, Luce Bernard



Talk: Clowning as a Social Intervention

With 30 years experience as a clown, Sue Proctor shares her research on clowning as a social intervention - including performance, social, therapeutic and humanitarian clowning.


Artist: Sue Proctor


Competitive Karaoke Game Show

Now is your chance to show the world what you got. Whether you like to or not. Everyone plays a role. Who will be the last voice standing?! Karaoke has never been so fierce. ✨🔥✨


Artists: Tricia Enns (aka Tornado Trish) & Juan Micelio (aka Hurricane Micelio)



Leche Negra

A living-performative multi format video installation. It is related to my masters research focused on how vision machines mold our way of seeing. It dives into the relation between image and format, dead technologies or techno-fossils and the living. People are invited to join and blur the line between performers and "the public." 


Artists: Juan Miceli and public.



Mechanic Narratives

A performative installation.


Artists: Malika and Hannah Schallert



S.A.T.I.R.S. : Simple Actions to Inspire and Rupture Spaces

An ambulatory performance that brings the audience along a walk to another space.


Artist: Patricia Ragazzon



Babushkas Lexicon of Gestures & Sounds

At once a game, and an intuitive language that the performers have invented together. Guided by a set of rules, members of the audience will be able to set the sequence and pace of the performance, to a degree. When the words in the Lexicon are spoken, the Babushkas will respond.


Artists: Heather Anderson, Pati Ragazzon, Marcela Szwarc



Gee Gee Gee, Deodorant, and Say Yes When You Get Married

It is a work in progress. Part of it explores how to be stretchy but non-lyrical (if that makes sense), and part of it explores what it means to move (with) the grammar but not the words (Heather said that, not me, I think it's brilliant). It has more, and we are still looking.    


Artists: Heather Anderson, Brenan Dwyer, Peng Hsu, Chloë Lum, Laura Jeffery, Sasha Kleinplatz



Chloë Lum (she/her) is a multi-disciplinary artist whose work focuses on affective relationships between bodies, objects, and text often through the lens of chronic illness. She is based in Tiohtiá:ke (Montréal) and in a collaborative duo with Yannick Desranleau.

Their joint practice spans video, installation, photography, bookworks, sculpture, and performance. It is in the collections of the Victoria & Albert Museum, the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts, and the Musée d’art contemporain de Montréal. Recent exhibitions have included Esker Foundation, the Momenta Biennale, and Cambridge Art Galleries.


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I am an Argentinian audiovisual artist and performer. I got an ELAP Scholarship to work as Research Intern at Concordia University’s Faculty of Fine Arts, under the mentorship of PhD Ricardo Dal Farra. I'm developing Inverse Interface, my master's thesis in Aesthetics and Technology of Electronic Arts (UNTreF), that proposes artecnic practice as a way of declassifying control matrices. I make multi-screen video installations and research projects focused on the relationship between identities, the body and technology.

Support of institutions such as VCR Concordia, Milieux Institute, CUCCR, National Fund for the Arts, National Contemporary Dance Company and Expressiones Cultural Center.


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Hannah is a media and dance artist, researcher, and a PhD student in Concordia’s Communication Studies Department interested in animation, special effects, experimental film, Science Fiction, and expanded understandings of dance in relation to moving image media. Her research studies animation movement, labour, and technology in the Canadian Visual Effects industry through the lens of embodied knowledge and performance. Hannah’s creative work spans performance, installation, and film, currently with found footage, animation, and interdisciplinary performance, presented at festivals and galleries including dance: made in Canada. She is a member of Immer and Roses artistic collectives.


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SLaura Jeffery is a Dancer / Choreographer / Musician presently residing in Tio’tia:ke / Montreal. She is a 2021 graduate from the contemporary dance program at Concordia University, recipient of the James Saya Award, and participant in the Atlas 2021 further Choreographic Training Program at the international dance festival, Impulstanz. As a musician she has played, recorded and toured internationally in multiple bands including Fountain, the Martinis, and Zad Kokar & les Combi Beyaz. Her dance work is playful, experimental and irreverent, influenced by New York’s no-wave movement, Flashdance, and late night infomercials.


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Tricia Enns is a designer-artist-researcher-dancer and performer. She is constantly pulled in multiple directions by her hungry curiosity. Enns sees play and silliness as the solution to many problems, including when life feels impossible, hence why she facilitated the monthly event Silly Sexy Awkward Dance Party this past year.

Having recently (hopefully) graduated this April 2023, she aims to live a life of frolicking, karaoke, play, and collecting and creating with trash now and forever!


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EI 2023 Technical Coordinator


Alastair Cavanagh is a Montreal-based musician and sound artist in his second year of Electroacoustic Studies at Concordia University. He is interested in interdisciplinary audio-visual works and interactive compositions, encouraging awareness of the physical effects of sound waves on our bodies.


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Patricia Ragazzon is an actress, performer, director and theater teacher. She is currently an academic visitor at Concordia University, and a doctoral researcher of the Performing Arts Program at University of Bahia, Brazil. 

In her research she develops the concept of "performative compositions", the minor particle of the creative process, something that have not formed yet, but carry in the potential to be. In her work with different groups, bodies, and perceptions, this proposal is an opportunity to build knowledge together in relation with neurodiversity, having as principles: body in movement, materialities, space, and composing a sensitive experience.


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Malika is an interdisciplinary artist who works with traditional artistic means such as painting, sculpture, and performance to create art installations. She invites the power of transformation through visuals of mapping geological magic which explore the boundaries of technology encountering ecology and cultural symbolics.


Malika est un artiste interdisciplinaire travaillant avec la peinture, la sculpture et la performance afin de créer des installations artistiques. En cartographiant la magie écologique elle suscite le pouvoir de transformation en intérrogeant les espaces du vivant et ses cultures.


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Peng Hsu is a Taiwan and L.A.-based theater director, playwright, actor, and beginner-level animator. Her works explore excess, bad taste, and Taiwan perspective lesbian/queer camp humor. She is currently working on three projects: an animation/video/ theater mix, Obsession; an experimental opera, temporarily named Hades’ Anus; and a theater piece called My grandfather’s father’s brother’s wife Is Sleeping Under A Leopard Print Blanket.

Peng came to Montreal in January 2023 to start her Ph.D. in Humanities Program (Research-creation track) at Concordia University.


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Sue Proctor is a doctoral student in the Concordia University Individualized Program (INDI) focused on the relationship of clowning to community and culture. She has been performing and teaching for over thirty years, created six original fringe theatre shows, and was a founding member of the Canadian Association of Therapeutic Clowns and the St. Boniface hospital clown program. Clowning informs her work as a dramaturg and she teaches drama to all ages and abilities and creates performances combining clown with storytelling and puppets. Her Master’s thesis is “The Archetypal Role of the Clown as a Catalyst for Individual and Societal Transformation”


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EI 2023 Co-Curator

Margaret Lapp is a graduate student in the Art History MA program at Concordia currently based in Tiohtià:ke/Mooniyang/ Montréal, with gratitude to the Kanien’kehá:ka Nation. She holds a BA in History and Psych-ology from Dalhousie University and studied art history at the Nova Scotia College of Art & Design and University of Victoria. Margaret’s research contemplates the potential for art in public space to transform daily urban experience. With interdisciplinary metho-dologies, archival materials, site-writing and urban interventions, her research focuses on how performance artists intervene, reimagine and reconstitute places influential to our daily life.


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Communications & LePARC Coordinator


Lucy is a dance artist and cultural mediator based in Tiohtià:ke / Montreal. She grew up in the United States and France and studied dance and sociology at Concordia University. Through choreography, performance, teaching and writing she explores how to connect to the poetry of movement in ourselves and our surroundings. She is active in her community as an artistic advisor, writer for The Dance Current Magazine, co-founder of Nous Sommes L’Été, a non-profit in service of emerging artists, co-curator of Circuit-Est’s Bancs d’essai series, and coordinator of Milieux Institute's Performing Arts Research Cluster.


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Heather is a dancer, poet, daydreamer, and lover of all things slow. Their interests lie in the use of choreographic processes to compose relational containers as sites for collective imaginative inquiry and transformation. Moving with a sick bodymind and held by the lineage of disability justice, they understand dance to be a shapeshifting and time-traveling practice that supports critical somatic investigation into living a deeper, wider, and more complex relationality. She loves her cats, Nim and June, and the sound of saxophone. 


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Marcela Szwarc (b. 1992) is a multi-celled organism and aspiring compost heap. Born to Polish immigrants in New York, their upbringing has been influenced by a mix of Slavic cultural practices, which are often a muddied duality comprised of Catholic rituals with pagan backbones.

Marcela's art practice is multidisciplinary at its core. Utilizing themes from Slavic folklore, ecofeminism, and speculative fiction, their visual work often takes form as a combination of writing, drawing, performance, and puppetry.
They moved to Tiohtià:ke / Mooniyang in 2021.


Image credit: Jade Greene


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Sasha Kleinplatz is a dance artist based in Montreal and co-founder (with partner Andrew Tay) of Wants&Needs danse - a collective creating non-traditional contexts for choreographers to make work and for audiences to engage with a plurality of performance practices. Sasha is co-creator of the curatorial projects Piss in the Pool, Short & Sweet, and Total Space Party.

In 2021 she completed a Masters at the School for Interactive Arts and Technology at Simon Fraser University on consent in dance pedagogy and practicing interspecies care through scored collaborative performance modes. Sasha is now in the Individualized Study PhD program at Concordia University.


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Luce Bernard enjoys playing a variety of music including Irish, Brazilian Choro and Klezmer music. Luce has played the violin in a Community Klezmer band and now focuses on exploring the mandolin.


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EI 2023 Co-Curator

Eija Loponen-Stephenson is an intradisciplinary artist and researcher focused on interrogating the dialogical relationship between human movement and urban space. Her wearable apparatuses, performance work, and experimental pedagogical programs function as tools to reveal and interface with the hidden power structures programmed into the built environment. She holds a BFA in Sculpture and Installation form the Ontario College of Art and Design University (OCAD U), and is currently completing her MA in Art Education at Concordia University.



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The 2023 edition of Embodied Interventions was created with support from the Performing Arts Research Cluster (LePARC), the Milieux Institute of Arts, Culture and Technology and the Concordia University Contemporary Dance Department.



Cluster Coordinator

Malte Leander


LePARC Commons

EV.10 765


Performance Lab

EV.10 785


1515 St. Catherine W​

EV building, 10th floor


Meghan Moe Beitiks

Lília Mestre

VK Preston


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